Use "aerostation|aerostations" in a sentence

1. To get to the hotel take Bus #100 "Volabus" from the aerostation (departure every hour) and get off at the train station Genova Piazza Principe.

2. Nicolas-Jacques Conté was, together with several other scientists, in charge of these military and scientific experiments at Meudon, where he was given direction of the aerostation school established there.

3. Entries with "Adumbration" shadowing: …discreetly tracking or following someone, keeping under surveillance.A faint representation; an Adumbration.Edward Burnett Tylor There are in savage theology shadowings, quaint or… Rhymes:English/eɪʃən: …adjuration adjustation adlegation admiration adoration adrogation adulation Adumbration adunation advocation aerostation aestivation, estivation…

4. Entries with "adumbration" shadowing: …discreetly tracking or following someone, keeping under surveillance.A faint representation; an adumbration.Edward Burnett Tylor There are in savage theology shadowings, quaint or… Rhymes:English/eɪʃən: …adjuration adjustation adlegation admiration adoration adrogation adulation adumbration Adunation advocation aerostation aestivation, estivation…